use anyhow::{Context, Error}; use bimap::BiHashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use mdbook::book::{Book, Chapter}; use mdbook::preprocess::{Preprocessor, PreprocessorContext}; use mdbook::BookItem; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; use std::fs::File; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::str::FromStr; pub struct LinkShortener; struct AliasGenerator { cursors: [usize; 3], } impl AliasGenerator { const ALPHABET: &'static [u8] = b"f2z4x6v8bnm3q5w7e9rtyuplkshgjdca"; fn new() -> AliasGenerator { AliasGenerator { cursors: [0, 0, 0] } } /// Generate a 4 alphanumeric long alias, starting from "aaaa" and incrementing by one each time /// until "9999", using only lowercase letters and numbers. /// We skip ambiguous characters like "0", "o", "1", "l". fn next(&mut self) -> String { let mut alias = String::with_capacity(4); for cursor in &mut self.cursors { alias.push(Self::ALPHABET[*cursor] as char); } for cursor in self.cursors.iter_mut().rev() { if *cursor == Self::ALPHABET.len() - 1 { *cursor = 0; } else { *cursor += 1; break; } } alias } /// Generate a unique alias that is not already used by the `link2alias` map. fn next_until_unique(&mut self, link2alias: &BiHashMap) -> String { let mut alias =; while link2alias.contains_right(&alias) { alias =; } alias } } impl LinkShortener { pub fn new() -> LinkShortener { LinkShortener } } impl Preprocessor for LinkShortener { fn name(&self) -> &str { "link-shortener" } fn run(&self, ctx: &PreprocessorContext, mut book: Book) -> Result { let config = ctx .config .get_preprocessor( .context("Failed to get preprocessor configuration")?; let root_url = { let root_url = config.get("base_url").context("Failed to get `base_url`")?; root_url .as_str() .context("`base_url` is not a string")? .to_owned() }; let mapping = { let mapping = config.get("mapping").context("Failed to get `mapping`")?; let mapping = mapping .as_str() .context("`mapping` is not a string")? .to_owned(); PathBuf::from_str(&mapping).context("Failed to parse `mapping` as a path")? }; let mut link2alias = { match File::open(&mapping) { Ok(file) => { serde_json::from_reader(file).context("Failed to parse existing mapping")? } Err(e) => { if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { BiHashMap::new() } else { return Err(e).context("Failed to open existing mapping"); } } } }; let verify = config .get("verify") .context("Failed to get `verify`")? .as_bool() .context("`verify` is not a boolean")?; // Env var overrides config let verify = std::env::var("LINK_SHORTENER_VERIFY") .map(|v| v == "true") .unwrap_or(verify); let mut alias_gen = AliasGenerator::new(); book.sections.iter_mut().for_each(|i| { if let BookItem::Chapter(c) = i { c.content = replace_anchors(c, &root_url, &mut alias_gen, &mut link2alias, verify) .expect("Error converting links for chapter"); for i in c.sub_items.iter_mut() { if let BookItem::Chapter(sub_chapter) = i { sub_chapter.content = replace_anchors( sub_chapter, &root_url, &mut alias_gen, &mut link2alias, verify, ) .expect("Error converting links for subchapter"); } } } }); if !verify { std::fs::create_dir_all(mapping.parent().expect("Mapping file path has no parent"))?; let mut file = File::create(&mapping).context("Failed to upsert mapping file")?; let ordered = link2alias.iter().collect::>(); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&mut file, &ordered)?; } Ok(book) } fn supports_renderer(&self, _renderer: &str) -> bool { true } } fn replace_anchors( chapter: &mut Chapter, root_url: &str, alias_gen: &mut AliasGenerator, link2alias: &mut BiHashMap, verify: bool, ) -> Result { use pulldown_cmark::{CowStr, Event, LinkType, Options, Parser, Tag}; use pulldown_cmark_to_cmark::cmark; let mut buf = String::with_capacity(chapter.content.len()); let mut unshortened_links = BTreeSet::new(); let events = Parser::new_ext(&chapter.content, Options::all()) .map(|e| { let Event::Start(Tag::Link { link_type, dest_url, title, id, }) = &e else { return e; }; match link_type { LinkType::Autolink | LinkType::Shortcut | LinkType::Inline | LinkType::Reference | LinkType::Collapsed => { if dest_url.starts_with("http") { let alias = if let Some(alias) = link2alias.get_by_left(dest_url.as_ref()) { alias.to_owned() } else { if verify { unshortened_links.insert(dest_url.to_string()); return e; } let alias = alias_gen.next_until_unique(&link2alias); alias }; link2alias.insert(dest_url.to_string(), alias.clone()); Event::Start(Tag::Link { link_type: link_type.to_owned(), dest_url: CowStr::from(format!( "{root_url}/{alias}", root_url = root_url, alias = alias )), title: title.clone(), id: id.clone(), }) } else { e } } LinkType::Email | LinkType::ReferenceUnknown | LinkType::CollapsedUnknown | LinkType::ShortcutUnknown => e, } }) .collect_vec(); if verify && !unshortened_links.is_empty() { let unshortened_links = unshortened_links.iter().join(", "); return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( "The following links are not shortened: {unshortened_links}\nRun again with `LINK_SHORTENER_VERIFY=false` to update the mapping \ with the shortened links." )); } cmark(events.into_iter(), &mut buf) .map(|_| buf) .map_err(|err| anyhow::anyhow!("Markdown serialization failed: {err}")) }